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Super Shoes

ViZard are please to announce that we have been chosen as a "Super Artist" for the fabulous charity, "Supershoes" who support children with cancer in the UK. We don't just do face painting!


"Each pair of shoes are designed specifically for a particular child or young person and hand painted by a Super Artist to express the child and all of the things they like. This could be a favourite game, sports team, music, animals or all of the above! In fact, anything that the child holds dear.


Supershoes are as unique as the child or young person that wears them and act as a reminder to that child of who they are, despite their illness, challenges and treatment"


They are always looking for help with fund raising and more artists so if you would like to get involved, please contact them!


Emoji Shoes!
Pretty Purple & Pink Shoes!
Robots & Bears converse shoes
Cute pair for Paw Patrol & JNP!
Rainbows & Care Bears converse shoes
Simple graffiti & fave football team
John Cena & Fireman Sam converse

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ViZard Face & Body Art.


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