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I'm a "Super Artist"

About a month ago, I came across the awesome charity "SuperShoes" who help to empower children living with cancer in the UK. As well as fundraising and raising awareness for them, they also organise for volunteer artists to design and paint a pair of (sponsored) Converse shoes for the children.

As an artist, I wanted to be involved straight away, so I had to "apply" via their website with details and samples of my work, as well as links to my website and social media streams. Within a week, I got the fantastic news that I had been accepted as a "Super Artist"! I was sooo excited!

To be able to use my artistic talent to help those in need and create such a bespoke piece for each and every child I was asked to, was very humbling for me.

The children decide what they would like on the shoes along with favourite colours, characters and if they want special laces and we, as artists create a design and paint on the shoes, thus bringing joy and a smile to these brave children.

My first pair of shoes was for 9yr old Brooke, and her requirement was her favourite Emoji's all over the shoes. This is what I came up with. I'm hoping she liked them! I personally think they are pretty cool!

I have also completed a pair for 2yr old Olivia - the shoes were so tiny, it broke my heart to think of such a young girl fighting cancer. I will upload pics once she has received them. :)

If you / a business you know wishes to sponsor a pair of shoes for this amazing organisation, please contact Supershoes - we would love to help spread the awareness of this brilliant charity!

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